How to guide breastfeeding mothers with a mobile app?

Co-creation project with OYS - breastfeeding care pathway

EU funded co-creation project, InDemand selected Buddy Healthcare as one of the e-health companies to start developing a digital guidance and advice pass in June 2018. The aim of this 6 months lasting project was to create a digital guidance solution containing healthcare professionals’ validated content to educate and engage pregnant women and new mothers in breastfeeding. Click here if you want to read how the project was kicked off.


OYS produced all the content related to breastfeeding and Buddy Healthcare’s BuddyCare mobile app was used as a technological solution to guide, instruct and remind mothers about important breastfeeding matters. The pregnant women and new mothers were created a care pathway and they received all the information and instructions via the BuddyCare app. The information and instructions included in the app were automatically scheduled so that it’s easy for the app users to follow the most important instructions at a given time. The care pathway was built around pregnancy weeks.


Feedback - 100% of the mothers would recommend the app

Feedback through the app was collected from all users who participated in the trial (N=20). The feedback received was highly encouraging and it provided us some valuable insights for future development needs. We are happy to share some of the highlights below:

  • 92% said that the app as a digital guidance tool either highly or somewhat highly supported the information provided earlier during pregnancy
  • 92% said the app was either very or somewhat easy to use
  • 92% preferred using the app over a paper format of the breastfeeding guidance pass
  • 92% rated the app as 4 (ranking scale 1-5)
  • 100% would either highly or somewhat highly recommend the app to other pregnant women and mothers

Key learnings of mothers feedback

The BuddyCare app was the first time ever used in breastfeeding guidance purposes, and from the feedback we can clearly see that there is a demand for a modern mobile guidance app. The users learned to use the BuddyCare app very well and found it rather easy to use. Furthermore, the target group of the app was ideal as these people are used to using online services in their daily lives. Delivering validated, high-quality and standardized information about the benefits of breastfeeding through a simple mobile app is a modern and efficient way to educate and engage new mothers.


We would like to thank OYS for this fruitful co-creation project and InDemand for the excellent learning experience.

Buddy Healthcare's COO Peter Hänninen was responsible for the project. If you want to read Peter's project related interview and thoughts click here.

If you wish to learn more your read more from our digital breastfeeding support page or watch a short video about the BuddyCare Platform. 


 BuddyCare mobile app supported and engaged new mothers in breastfeeding