Digital Postoperative Care

Managing, monitoring, and communicating with your patients postoperatively with the BuddyCare Platform

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Enhance your patient's recovery after surgery digitally by educating, collecting medical data, and monitoring remotely.

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Managing postoperative care at home whilst the care team monitors remotely

Follow-up and staying connected with patients after discharge are vital for the surgical care pathway. The BuddyCare, care coordination platform implements the principles of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols to enhance early mobilisation after surgery.

The platform supports, monitors, and helps manage your patients' health status and recovery after surgery while at home. Patients receive care-related materials on their mobile devices. Simultaneously, the care personnel's dashboard collects medical data and provides complete clinical oversight of patients' recovery. Hospitals can digitally collect pain scales or other VAS measurements from patients and, at the same time, share rehabilitation exercises.

The platform enables sharing of postoperative medication and wound care instructions and reminders. It collects patient-reported outcomes and experiences questionnaires (PROMs and PREMs). At the same time, care teams can monitor patient flow and assess patients' postoperative well-being and recovery through the platform. All these steps are implemented digitally without doing manual work.

How does digital postoperative care support your hospital or clinic?

Post operative care

Postoperative education & rehabilitation

  • Delivers recovery program materials to patients’ mobile devices.

  • Ensures patients get the right information at the right time through timed push notifications and reminders.

  • Shares rehabilitation, medication, and wound care instructions.
Medical data collection icon

Automated medical data collection

  • Automatically collects pain scales, PROMs, and PREMs.

  • Helps in identifying potential postoperative complications, thus reducing hospital readmissions or length of stay.

  • Enables secure interaction between patient and care team incl. wound photo sharing. 


Remote patient monitoring icon

At-a-glance remote patient monitoring 


  • Provides a real-time 360 degrees view of all the patients’ post-surgical progress, compliance, and outcomes.

  • Visualises patient-submitted data such as symptoms, pain scores, PROMs, PREMs, or wound photos.

  • Notifies in real-time if a patient’s condition deteriorates, helping to intervene sooner.
Patient reads postoperative education from an app

Postoperative education and rehabilitation

Postoperative patient education after surgery helps patients follow up on the recovery plan at home. This includes the timed delivery of rehabilitation exercises and instructions.

Patients can access any recovery program’s materials from their mobile device to support compliance with a treatment plan. The educational rehabilitation materials can be shared in text and/or video format. Additionally, images and questionnaires are supported. The platform automatically reminds patients of the uncompleted tasks. At the same time, the care team’s clinical dashboard informs them about declining patient engagement or uncompleted tasks.

All the postoperative education and materials sharing is automated and timed. Push notifications inform the patient when to read wound care instructions, complete rehabilitation exercises or take medication

Automated medical data collection

The patients can submit post-surgical condition checks and questionnaires (pain meter, PROMs, PREMs) through a mobile device. The hospital’s clinical dashboard then gathers data to analyse patients’ progress. The visualised data helps to improve patient outcomes and processes where necessary. 

Optimised outcome, well-being and feedback collection processes are critical components to solidify the measurement of the quality of care and improvement framework. They work best when the collection process is timed and fully automated, which are some key features of the BuddyCare solution.  

Clinics can better identify potential postoperative complications and reduce hospital readmissions with the collected medical data.

Nurses are monitoring postoperative patients remotely

Postoperative monitoring and communication 

Care teams can monitor and assess patients' postoperative well-being and recovery through the platform. The care personnel's clinical dashboard provides complete clinical oversight of the patients' progress. It visualises patient-generated medical data.

The dashboard notifies if there is a patient with changing condition or identifies a patient who might have postoperative complications and needs support. The highlight allows clinicians to make the final decision safely.

Patients and care teams can also send secure messages through the platform when needed. This reduces the telephone calls from patients or the care team's need to make calls. Secure two-way messaging is convenient for patients and hospitals as both parties can interact easily at the day's optimal time.

Benefits of
Digital Post-operative Care and Virtual Ward for:


Supports automated rehabilitation education sharing and monitors patients after discharge.

Automatically collects real-time patient data such as pain meter, VAS measurements, patient outcomes (PRO), and experiences questionnaires (PREM).

Helps in identifying postoperative complications through patient-submitted data.

Reduces hospital readmissions through earlier complications tracking or even  the length of hospital stay

Reduces or even eliminates telephone calls and paper letters.

Reduces the care team’s workload by lowering unnecessary post-surgical visits to the hospital.


Patients following a digital care pathway can recover from surgery in the comfort of their own homes.

Patients can contact the care team easily from their mobile devices.

Patients can share wound photos safely without visiting the hospital.

Patients can easily submit digitised medical questionnaires or pain scales to the hospital. 

Patients know they are monitored remotely after discharge, creating peace of mind.



Postoperative virtual ward with the BuddyCare Platform

Mobile App for Patients

  • The patient-facing BuddyCare app helps patients to navigate through their care pathways.

  • Timed reminders and push notifications ensure that patients get the right information at the right time. 

  • Patients can submit forms or in-app questionnaires to the care personnel and interact via the app. 
Patients waiting list management app

Dashboard for Care Personnel

  • With the dashboard, the hospital care personnel can monitor patients' care progress and see at-a-glance if patients have read all education, submitted in-app questionnaires, and followed all instructions.

  • The dashboard collects data during the patients' pathways and enables patient interaction.

  • The dashboard produces reports for analysis.

Safe and Certified Platform

The BuddyCare software has the Medical Device Class I CE mark and is GDPR and HIPAA compliant. Also, the company's QMS is ISO 13845:2016 Certified.

The Platform was co-developed with University Hospitals. Several University Hospitals, Regional Hospitals, and Private Hospitals use the platform safely.
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