Why pediatric surgeries first?
Hello there and welcome back to our blog! Today we’d like to write about pediatric surgeries and what we have learned about them while working on Buddy Healthcare. But before reading further, you might want to check out our previous posts to get a glimpse of what we do, if you’re here for the first time. Here you go:
- Part 1: What Buddy Healthcare is
- Part 2: How we started Buddy Healthcare
- Part 3: How does BuddyCare work
We often hear the same question from our customers, investors and other people: Why did we first target our product to children and pediatric surgeries, and only later for other areas? Here are a few reasons for that.
Firstly, pediatric surgeries and everything that happens around them is somewhat unique. By that, we mean that it’s the whole patient’s family who’s involved in the pre- and post- surgical care, not only the patient. Thus, both patient and family needs must be taken into consideration, when the BuddyCare solution is used. This brings forward the emotional aspect of pediatric surgeries: providing parents with up-to-date real-time information about the next steps reduces their stress, fear and anxiety. This has a direct effect on also how the child feels about the procedure. Being able to help the whole family go through the surgery process makes our work meaningful for us.
Secondly, we have learned that children’s hospitals tend to have more specific needs than general adult hospitals. Often, they are looking for solutions aiming to solve a particular problem they are facing, such as inadequate colonoscopy preparations for gastro intestinal surgeries. In our opinion, it’s easier to get pediatric hospitals to talk to us about our way of facilitating surgeries than adult hospitals. Parents of young children are often tech-savvy, they have smartphones and they’re willing to try out new things to make surgery process and communication more convenient. At the same time, pediatric hospitals desire to involve also the child in the surgery process.
Furthermore, public support for pediatric hospitals tends to be often more extensive than what adult hospitals have. As in healthcare in general, the trend of continuous cost reductions might concern pediatric hospitals in a smaller scale. With children’s hospitals, the focus is not so much on the cost, but rather on providing the best care.
Lastly, our first customer happened to be a pediatric hospital, which partly had an impact on where we currently stand But seriously, market dynamics plays also an important role. Pediatric hospitals tend to specialize in certain age groups, chronic diseases and procedures. Thus, it makes it easier for us to understand hospitals’ needs better and adjust our product accordingly.
That’s it — the major reasons why Buddy Healthcare is focusing on facilitating pediatric surgeries. Thanks for reading our blog! Next time, we’ll talk more about our achievements and results in pediatrics. BuddyCare has already been used by a couple of hospitals, and we’ll share what we learned from them. If you have any comments, please leave them below and stay tuned!